Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Don't Grin and Bear It"

"Don't Grin and Bear It"

Caleb, after the experimental Mohawk. He went completely buzzed shortly after.

I have always considered myself a "strong woman". Hurt me, that's fine, I'll get over it. Circumstances didn't affect me like I saw they did others. I would see the fire, put the smile on and tread forth. But, like it does most, this heroic existence only lasts for a season. We start to "feel the heat" so to speak but "big girls don't cry" right!!?

I was given a devotional book when my first daughter was born (almost nine years ago). I had put it various places throughout the house hoping I would pick it up from time to time. Never really worked. I know you cant relate :-)
"Joy Breaks" is authored by four funny women; Patsy Clairmont, Barbara Johnson, Marylyn Meberg, and Luci Swindoll.

Being the "strong woman" that I am, often I would "Grin and Bear It" during the tough times. But when Barbara Johnson says not to, I felt a little shocked. Isn't that what today's women are supposed to do. WE ARE WOMEN, HEAR US CRY?? It just doesn't have the ring to a rightful passage of respect does it?

Hear's a little funny excerpt from the devotion I read a couple of days ago
"You can tell it's going to be a rotten day when
  • You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold
  • You put your bikini top on backwards and it fits better
  • Your blind date turns out to be your ex-boyfriend

But just remember, every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a lot of dirt to get there! And with the dirt a lot of watering was needed!"

Barbara goes on to tell me that scientific studies have been conducted to show that tears, "real wet tears" may be the body's mechanism for flushing away harmful chemicals produced during stress.
That even Harvard scientist have shown that people crying after a traumatic event will even decrease the chance of a heart attack by 14%!

Okay ladies, did you hear that?
Crying does not show weakness? That's right.
"God does not hand out medals for not crying!"
"Sometimes allowing yourself to cry is the scariest thing you'll ever do. And the bravest. It takes a lot of courage to face the facts, stare loss in the face, bare your heart, and let it bleed."

Okay, got it Barbara.
Psalms 126:5 "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."

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